Pepper spray has its’ advantages and disadvantages in different self-defense scenarios and it’s important to understand these so that you can maximize your self-defense abilities. Here’s a list of the major pros and cons to pepper spray self defense so you can decide if it's t...
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Learning self-defense not only equips you to defend yourself, it also improves your physical, mental and emotional health. Here’s some of the awesome ways your whole-health can greatly benefit from self-defense training.
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What should you do if you own a stun gun or pepper spray and don’t have it with you when an attacker strikes? You need to learn improvised self-defense. Defense Divas has you covered with a list of creative ways that you can use the clothes you are wearing and the items in you...
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Even the kindest dog can become viscous if it feels vulnerable or cornered. Learning these 10 dog attack self-defense tips will greatly increase your chance to de-escalate, avoid and survive a dog attack without injuries to either of you.
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Defense Divas® has compiled a list of everyday items found in your home that can be used to defend yourself in an emergency. Remember, your priority in a self-defense situation is always to escape and get help. Anything that opens a window of opportunity for y...
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Stay Connected to Stay Protected. Here are three (totally free) personal safety apps we love and the reasons why you should download them today.
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Your emergency auto safety kit should contain these essential items to keep you safe and comfortable during a roadside emergency for 48 hours. Here are the 10 D.I.V.A.S. (Decisive Items Vital to Auto Safety) you need to put in your car today.
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Everything from the tailgate parties before, to the final touchdown and the celebration parties afterward can be an awesome experience if you keep these college game day safety tips in mind.
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Abductions can happen any time of the day and anywhere that your daily life takes you. Learn how to minimize the risk of being abducted and what to do if you are grabbed in a kidnapping attempt.
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Although you cannot prevent a data breach, like what happened with Capital One, there are things you can do to reduce your exposure when one does occur. Implement these practices to protect your identity and avoid hackers stealing your identity to apply for credit cards, ma...
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