PeppperBall® has taken pepper spray self-defense to the next level with the most innovative and cutting-edge line of self-protection to hit the market in 2019.
Police level equipment is finally being made available and accessible to the public for your personal safety. The Tactical Compact Pistol, our smallest PepperBall® launcher, gives you the ability to carry a multi-shot, non-lethal product on your belt with insanely long-range reach to your attacker.
- Ultra light weight construction
- Includes two six shot magazines
- .68 caliber rounds and VXR™ projectile compatible
- Undermount rail
- Compact size fits on standard duty belt
- Live round refills available in both short range and long range pepper spray pellets
- Holster available here: PepperBall TCP Holster
- Practice dummy rounds available here: PepperBall Inert Rounds
In the past you had to choose between the electrical power but need for close range contact of stun gun and the benefit of distance safety from an attacker that pepper spray provides. Each has its’ advantages and disadvantage. The PepperBall® TCP Pepper Spray Pellet Gun has given you a new solution to personal security that shoots a pepper spray projectile 150 FEET!!!
SALES PROHIBITED TO: California, Massachusetts, New York and Washington D.C.
Why We Love It
❤️Long Range Self-Defense
The TCP PepperBall® Launcher has a range up to 50 yards (150 feet)! To give you a visual idea of the insanely awesome distance this pepper gun launches its’ projectiles: That’s ½ the length of a football field!
❤️Firearm Design
The TCP (Tactical Compact Pistol) is a favorite of law enforcement officers because of its’ realistic and familiar firearm design. This realistic look also adds the benefit of having your attacker think that you have a deadly force firearm, making him think twice about attacking you.
❤️Direct Hit Is Not Necessary
You don’t have to hit your attacker directly for this self-defense weapon to be effective. Simply striking the ground in close proximity to your target! Upon impact, PepperBall® rounds burst to create a 12-foot cloud of pepper irritant that rapidly disperses into the air to quickly incapacitate an attacker. Within seconds, the saturation area extends in all directions around the point of impact providing you the opportunity to escape to safety. With this active defense zone, a direct hit is not required.
❤️More Self-Defense Protection
The PepperBall® LifeLite carries 6 loaded rounds and includes two 6-shot magazines. The pepper spray projectile balls spread to a 12-foot-wide cloud when exploded. Traditional keychain pepper sprays carry ½ oz of pepper spray that you will more than likely use entirely in one attack.
❤️Paint Ball on Steroids
The dust cloud created by a PepperBall® is made of our proprietary, pharmaceutical-grade PAVA pepper powder. Exposure to it will cause an immediate and severely crippling reaction in the eyes, nose, throat, and chest of an attacker. The response decisive and debilitating effects last 15 minutes, allowing you time to escape the attacker and get help.
Use the TCP™ with original round projectiles or long-range VXR™ projectiles so you can maintain safe standoff distances. Plus, you can use CO2 or N2 cartridges for max operation in all climates and weather. Add the available complete product line of holsters practice rounds and more- It’s easy to see why the PepperBall® TCP Tactical Compact Pistol Defense Launcher and it’s sibling the PepperBall® LifeLite are our top picks for Best Self-Defense Gear of 2019.
- TCP launcher pepper spray pellet gun
- 2 universal magazines
Short Range Refills found here: TCP SD Projectiles + CO2

Long Range Refills found here: TCP VXR Projectiles + CO2