Self-defense keychains provide the ability to defend yourself with multiple options at your fingertips. Accessibility and versatility are two of the biggest advantages you want in a self-defense weapon. Fight Fobs® self-defense keychains meet both of these critical requirements at a price point to fit your budget.
OCT 12, 2023

“In 2021, an estimated 1,313,200 violent crimes occurred in the United States."
When choosing the best self-defense weapon, two critical factors should be a part of your decision.
1. Accessibility: Will the weapon be fast, convenient and easy to access when I need it in an emergency?
2. Versatility: Is the weapon suited for the situation, weather and social conditions where I need to be able to defend myself?
The best self-defense weapon will always be the one that you can deploy fast and effectively against an attacker. Self-defense keychains are one of the best options on the market because they are designed to combine your house and car keys with your stun gun and pepper spray, and keep it all right at your fingertips.
Instead of fumbling around in your purse for your defensive weapon, Fight Fobs self-defense keychains are designed with a wristlet so that you always have your personal protection within reach.
The effectiveness of any self-defense weapon depends on many external factors, such as weather conditions, the number of innocent bystanders around you, and even the way you are approached by an attacker.
For example, you do not want to use pepper spray on a windy day. The wind will diminish its’ accuracy and may even cause defensive spray to blow back into your face and incapacitate you at the moment when you need to escape.
Pepper spray is an excellent self-defense option when the weather is calm and you are being approached from the front by an attacker. The distance self-defense sprays put between you and the attacker is a great advantage that can’t be ignored.
Stun guns are designed to attack the large muscle groups of the body, causing violent muscle spasms and immobilizing the attacker on contact. With that being said, the use of a stun gun is most effective in close range attacks because it requires contact with the skin to send the electrical current into your attacker’s body.
A panic alarm keychain may seem insignificant to your self-defense when compared to a taser device or pepper spray. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. A panic alarm can stop an attacker before they even start by drawing the unwanted attention of others to the situation.

A panic alarm can also be your voice when you are unable to speak for yourself. For example, if an attacker grabs you from behind and covers your mouth, if your lungs are punctured or even if you are in a car wreck, earthquake or other situational emergency. The alert ability of a panic alarm can’t be underestimated in seeking help from others in a crisis scenario.
Kubotan self-defense keyrings are legal in all 50 states and appropriate for all ages. Learning how to use a kubaton for self-defense involves being familiar with the key trigger points on the body to jab your attacker with this time proven defensive weapon.

All Fight Fobs® self-defense keychains come with the following basic self-defense and safety items. Opt for a Plus model or Luxe model to include a pepper spray, stun gun and hidden key knife if you want more defensive power in your fist.
• Kubotan self-defense key ring
• Loud panic alarm and key light
• Bottle opener
• Emergency SOS whistle
• Hand sanitizer bottle and holder
• Lipstick holder
• Plush, whimsical pom
• Comfortable neoprene wristlet strap key ring
• Safe self-defense for under age 18
• Legal in all 50 states
• Plus Model: adds a pepper spray keychain
• Luxe Model: adds a pepper spray keychain, stun gun keychain and discreet key knife.

“Car jacking crime has increased over 500% in some areas of the country.”
Having the option to customize what you are equipped with at any time make self-defense keychains a very appealing and cost-effective personal security choice.
Because each item on a Fight Fobs® self-defense keychain is on its’ own, individual keyring and all are attached to the wristlet- you can separate the items to customize your own self-defense plan to match your lifestyle. For example, if you work in a no-weapons workplace, leave the stun gun in your car before you clock in and you will still have other defensive options available if an attack occurs.
Perhaps you want to carry pepper spray while out for your daily run, but not your entire keychain. Simply unclip the pepper spray canister to take with you and put it back on your self-defense keychain when you get home.
Moms can detach the panic alarm keyring and clip it on your child’s backpack while keeping the rest of the personal defense items with you and available to protect your safety.
There is no doubting the accessibility, versatility and adaptability that self-defense keychains offer when it comes to non-lethal personal defense options. Having options and multiple ways to defend yourself is vitally important. Fight Fobs® self-defense keychains include several self-defense weapons at your fingertips and right out of the box. This make them a wise choice for women who want to be ready to defend themselves in all situations.
However, not all self-defense keychains on the market are the same. Be sure that you purchase from a reputable company to ensure the reliability and quality of your defense weapon. Fight Fobs® are the only self-defense keychains with a lifetime warranty on the stun gun and pepper spray components to give you peace of mind and confidence in your purchase.
Defense Divas® wants you to be equipped to defend yourself not only with a self-defense weapon, but also with the practical knowledge of safety awareness and prevention.
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