“Confidence is key. Own your personal space like Beyonce when you are walking alone. Fierce. ”
Victim Selection Through the Eyes of a Rapist
Every 9 seconds a woman is sexually assaulted or beaten in America. Think about how insane that is! That is 9,600 women a day! The need for women to empower themselves and begin practicing self-defense and safety awareness is greater than ever before. Society is looking for answers and one such project revealed some pretty interesting information.
In a recent study, a group of rapists were interviewed in prison to gain insight into what they look for in a potential victim. Believe it or not, there is actually a great deal of pre-meditation that goes into selecting their target.
⭐Don't Be An Easy Target⭐

⭐Your Hairstyle is a Big Factor⭐
⭐Your Clothing is a Consideration⭐
Clothing that can be removed quickly is another criteria that these convicted rapists stated was a consideration when selecting their victim.
For example, a skirt is preferable to pants with boots. A cotton outfit is preferable to leather. In general, those rapists interviewed concur that the easier and faster the clothing is to get off, the better. Most of these men admitted to carrying scissors with them to quickly cut away any clothing.
Safety Tip: Do not ever let your guard down! Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was notorious for playing into the compassion and sympathy of his victims. He walked with a cane or a limp and asked for help getting into his vehicle as a means of drawing in his victim and then abducting her.
⭐Top 3 Places Women Are Abducted⭐
The top three places that women are abducted are:
1) grocery store parking lots
2) office parking lots/parking garages
3) public restrooms
It's very easy for a sicko to prey on your kindness and simply ask you for the time or directions. As you allow them into your personal space to help them, they snap on the opportunity to grab their victim.
Safety Tip: Be alert when you are loading your groceries into the trunk. Look around your car (and under it) when you are approaching it. And most importantly, don't allow a stranger in your personal space.
“Carry your self-defense weapon loud and proud. Just seeing it will deter most attackers.”
⭐Self-Defense Weapon is an Immediate Deterrent⭐

⭐Facial Recognition is Attacker's Big Fear⭐
These convicted rapists said that once they realized a woman could provide facial recognition, they no longer considered her a potential victim and ceased to proceed with their planned attack.
Safety Tip: If someone approaches you, is alone in an elevator with you or seems to be following you- look them directly in the face and ask them a question. Maintain your personal space so you cannot be grabbed, but acknowledge to them, that you "see" them. That you will remember their face.
⭐The Takeaway⭐
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